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Will You Annul My Judgments? General James Green, Aug. 5, 2011
THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD are manifest in the world today—this proves that men’s and nations’ SINS have come up before God for judgment! The time has come, my dear readers, to bring home to men and nations that the calamities falling are THE DIRECT RESULT OF MEN’S SINS; these calamities are GOD'S JUDGMENTS ON HUMAN SIN; men who continue in sin bear these consequences, inevitably, because men are MORALLY RESPONSIBLE BEINGS, and when they have DENIED the eternal laws of God, giving preeminence to THEIR OWN WILL AND WAY, THEY WILL BE JUDGED.
God's Holy Word THE HOLY BIBLE is likened unto a mnemonic book which reminds us of how we should live upon the earth. As it stands, the whole world operates under RUINOUS impulses, including 90% of the Church. The hatred towards God's Word, His Will, His Way is prodigious (enormous!)—but God will extricate those who want to be free. When we turn away from God's Word/Will/Way, we set ourselves up for destruction. When we, out of our rebellion and pride, try to disannul His judgments (upon both the individual and nations), WE LITERALLY FIGHT AGAINST THE ALMIGHTY. The question God asked Job was, “Wilt thou disannul My Judgments?” (Job 40:8, KJV). The RSV reads, “Will you even put me in the wrong? Will you condemn me that you may be justified?” Verse 8, the pointed question of Yahweh/God, “penetrates to the core of the problem presented by the book of Job and delineates most clearly its configuration: the purpose of the book of Job is not to discuss the mystery of the sufferings of the innocent or the prosperity of the wicked,” but to meditate on the meaning of God's Word, Will, and Ways to bring forth pure faith in Job—it was the root of pride in Job that God was after.
America’s Problem! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT America is guilty of at the present: Rather than submit to be thought in the wrong, America CONDEMNS God for her misery, accusing Him of being “too harsh” and “unloving,” in order to justify herself. SORRY! That won’t hold water, dear Americans. IT IS YOUR SINS THAT HAVE BROUGHT THESE EVILS UPON THIS GOD-FORSAKEN NATION. “We are good, we don’t deserve these evils,” is America’s impious maxim. Well, these “righteous” ones are not cognizant of their own doings.
Mountain of Unwillingness UNWILLINGNESS TO acknowledge one’s faults/sins too frequently leads men and nations directly or indirectly TO BLASPHEMY…..and America is GUILTY of BLASPHEMING God's Word, His Will, and His Ways. Thus, MORE JUDGMENTS!! There are 3 words that Americans have difficulty saying together: “I AM WRONG!” They believe these 3 are extraneous (i.e., “unnecessary”). Paraphrasing 40:8 in the RSV, it reads, literally, “Wilt thou even reduce to naught my righteousness?” Job accused God of destroying “the perfect and the wicked” (9:22). Job is full of complaints, accusing God of being responsible for social injustice and political oppression (9:24). “Perhaps anticipating polemics on the extreme monism of his theology, Job adds defiantly, ‘If it is not He, who then is it?’ (v. 24).” I realize that what God was allowing to happen to Job is not exactly the same as what is happening or why things are happening in the world today, but there are similar principles involved. God was dealing with Job’s INNER PRIDE. Today, He is dealing with committed SINS against both God and humanity.
We Can Be Sure... GOD IS NEVER WRONG! Much has been said and written down about humanity’s anguish, both of mind and body, “to the account of a universe sublimely (!) indifferent to all things human” (i.e., THE UNIVERSE IS BLAMED FOR MAN’S PROBLEMS!). Others have found men and nations to be the chief culprits—behind them, it may be, satan and devils. In any case, God is not to blame. God is the Ultimate, Just Judge. The ultimate responsibility of overseeing the universe is God's—He and He alone oversees ALL. And God punishes when needed; and blesses when needed.
Lest We Forget— IT HAS BEEN God, our Creator—throw evolution on the DUNG PILE!—Who, over and over again, century after century, ran into human willfulness/stubbornness and was accused by both religious and non-religious men. His prophets, sent with the message of REPENTANCE, were stoned to death, and finally His very own Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, was crucified. Now Christ’s “sons and daughters” (of genuine Christianity) are mocked, hated, put to death!
Men’s Freedoms! OH, HOW AMERICANS love their “freedoms”—yet, as they say, “There was never such a fateful experiment as when God trusted man with freedom.” He did not do this as a mere adventure/experiment, and He KNEW that He had the POWER to REMEDY THE ABUSE of freedom which might/would occur. Herein enter His judgments upon individuals and nations. These judgments—in the BIG picture—are meant to be remedial: some men/nations find salvation, while some who are already saved find their faith strengthened.
Futile! MAY I REMIND OUR READERS that it is FUTILE to oppose God's Word, His Will, His Way(s). Likewise, our efforts to vindicate ourselves are futile. One can and will wear himself out trying to justify committed sin/sins. Many, many in this hour are, as Jerome Kern’s song goes, “tired o’ livin’” and “scared o’ dyin.’” In Lamentations 3:39b, Jeremiah, “the weeping prophet,” penned this: “...why does he complain, man, for the punishment of his sins?” Verse 40 states, “Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the Lord!” A better rendering would be, speaking more literally, “...of what can living man complain, a person because of his punishment?” The last word is literally “sins”; but here, as often elsewhere, the reference is to the consequences of “sin” in the form of “punishment.”
“We Want Only Blessings!” I’M VERY AWARE of America’s spoiled and rotten attitude of not wanting to PAY for her sins. Lamentations 3:38 tells us that “Out of the mouth of the Most High proceedeth not evil and good?” Verse 37 tells us, “Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?” Who indeed can call forth a blessing when ALL seems to go wrong and evil has power? In light of the prevailing evils, both the Christian and the non-Christian ask, “Why should such things be in a universe created and ruled by a LOVING God?” READ THE BIBLE! It tells us why. This generation of Church bastards and lost sinners have been taught by false teachers/preachers/prophets that “God doesn’t JUDGE”—well, sorry to break the “bad news”: GOD DOES JUDGE, and we’re seeing the evidence of it…aren’t we?! The “evil” of verse 38 is the abstract plural noun—“evil” in the sense of “misfortune” (see also Amos 3:6 and Isa 45:7—the Hebrew word ra). God has not only ALLOWED “evil” to be the consequence of SIN/SINS, but He SENDS “evil” as punishment. Must I remind you churchfolks, you backslid, HELL-BOUND “Christians,” of Deuteronomy 30:19? This is FREEDOM of choice! Man can do right or wrong if he chooses, for God has given man that power of choice. But also God has the divine right to PUNISH men for their wrong choices. GOD IS NOT CRUEL, HE IS FAIR.
Abdicate GOD HAS THE right to abdicate (withdraw) Himself from a sinning people (i.e., remove His Kingship from their lives and let them have “their own way”). Concomitant to this “abdication,” men find that His displeasure is punishment. His Word delineates this clearly.
Twin Sin JOB 40:8 EXPOSES the sin of Job—“not a sin of the horizontal type, produced by ethical crimes directed against men, but the ‘twin sin’ of the vertical type, by which Job dares to pass judgment upon God and to indict His very Creator.” The reality then and now is “unambiguously real”: The sin of the self-righteousness of Job is evident by his attacks against the righteousness of God. When we post these articles on the Internet, men—usually “religious” men—attack us. They call us “hate messengers devoid of God's love!” But, dear ones, we’re not the ones bringing evil upon the world: GOD IS. We’re only informing our readers WHY! We’re not the ones controlling the forces of nature—earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, pestilences, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc. We’re not the ones who take men, women and children in death. God is asking Job, “Hast thou an arm like God?...cast abroad the rage of thy wrath: and behold every one that is proud, and abase him. Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place” (vv. 9-12). IT WAS AND IS GOD WHO DOES THESE THINGS. IT IS GOD, NOT MAN, WHO ABASES THE PROUD AND TREADS DOWN THE WICKED. WHY HATE US FOR POINTING THIS OUT? DO YOU HATE THE TRUTH?
Instruct God? THIS IS WHAT MOST Americans would love to do! “Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct Him? he that reproveth God, let him answer it” (v. 2). There is none that can answer back to God. Yet this land is overrun with such ones who think they can (at least they believe they are His instructors!). FAULT-FINDERS! CRITICS!
Zion/Samaria/America AMOS 6 SPEAKS of “those who are at ease in Zion, and to those on the mountain of Samaria who are careless and feel secure” (v. 1—LIKE AMERICA!). Amos rebukes the backslid Israelites, saying, “[You] put far away the evil day (OF PUNISHMENT), yet cause the sitting of violence (upon you) to come near?” (v. 3). Verse 3 is the direct continuation of verse 1, “with the same participial construction in the Hebrew language.” So, these “self-satisfied” leaders “PUT FAR AWAY the EVIL DAY,” while bringing near the seat of violence...which spells R-U-I-N. Then, as today, national leaders are absorbed in the indulgent enjoyment of the moment—“To HELL with tomorrow!!” they cheer. Well, HELL is definitely on its way. So, dear ones, when men sin and sin and sin, and fail to repent and amend their ways, they bring “evil”—“calamity” (Heb. ra)—upon themselves because they are not bringing honor unto God. Chatta (Heb.) is a word used to denote sin—a sinner gets sins for their sins or they get punishment for their punishment. This Hebrew word (chatta—see Lam 3:39) means “to miss the mark” and implies that “at once is punishment [—as an archer who misses (cf. Judg 20:16) immediately becomes the loser, so does the sinner who misses God's Will for his or her life].”
You Snooze, You Lose! WHEN ANYONE BECOMES “at ease in sinful sleaze,” they become oblivious of disruptive forces that threaten both from within and from without the nation. Many who will read this article will not even perceive what I’m trying to convey. When any individual or nation becomes at ease with an attitude of ingratitude, they are in for trouble. Amos, the prophet of God, was trying to warn God's people of APPROACHING DOOM—God was about to destroy His people for their sins! That was and is today “inconceivable” for a pleasure-loving people. WHILE AMERICA IS “CAUGHT UP” (RAPTURED!) IN ESTABLISHING SAME-SEX MARRIAGES, TRANSGENDERISM, INFIDELITY, PEDOPHILIA, PORNOGRAPHY, PROMISCUITY, PROSTITUTION, SAME-SEX ADOPTION, EVEN BESTIALITY, (NOT TO MENTION A THOUSAND-AND-ONE OTHER SINS,) THE SAME IRREVOCABLE DOOM IS COMING UPON AMERICA THAT CAME UPON ISRAEL. WHILE AMERICA IS BUSY WITH SEEKING WEALTH, GOD IS DESTROYING IT (TAKE, FOR INSTANCE, THE DAMAGE THAT WAS DONE IN JOPLIN, MO, THIS YEAR: IT WAS ESTIMATED AT $3 BILLION ALONE!!). WHILE AMERICA IS BUSY IN GROSS INJUSTICES, GOD IS DISHING OUT HIS JUST REWARDS FOR THEIR SINFUL EARNINGS. WHILE AMERICA IS BUSY TRASHING GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS, HE IS TRASHING THEIR CONFIDENCE IN NATIONALISM.
Has America Forgotten? ISRAEL HAD FORGOTTEN “the inexorable character of the Divine Righteousness”; so it is with America. Israel became hazy and lazy towards their religious responsibilities, becoming so “lighthearted” in their familiarity with God while taking “ease” in placing themselves on “good terms” with Deity, that all the O.T. prophets became contemptuous, even scornful in their denunciation of phony worship at the sanctuaries. America has followed in Israel’s footsteps. Churches today are no more than “GLORIFIED WHOREHOUSES.” Church proceedings today (there are exceptions) are substantially apostasy. Proud churchites and proud political patriots persist in their presumptuous conviction that God belongs to them! HA! They belong to satan! Amos prophesied that the day of the LORD was at hand—payday for their unconfessed/unrepented-of sins. And “with startled incredulity, they heard Amos (and all the other prophets) declare the day of the LORD would be for them, not blessing, but disaster with no faintest gleam of light (see Amos 5:20).”
Arrow to Pierce! VERSES 18-20 of Amos 5 are an indictment from Amos’ “quiver of denunciations.” “Tipped with the sharp barb of irony,” it is said, “his accusation is especially designed to pierce the hard hearts of his hearers.” Listen up, America: YOU HAVE, AS ANCIENT ISRAEL, BECOME OBLIVIOUS OF THE PERVASIVE EVILS IN YOUR NATIONAL/RELIGIOUS LIFE. While minor judgments are falling all around, both Church and State are more concerned with homosexuality (same-sex marriages, transgenderism, etc., etc.) than they are about their future state.
HATE the Evil? AMOS 5:15: “HATE THE EVIL, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate...” But what was Israel guilty of? She was guilty of HATING THE GOOD and LOVING THE EVIL; so too this has become the way of America. The Church—meant to be the salt and light to the world—has become increasingly irrelevant in society due to unGodly leadership. Your average church gets around 15 to 20 minutes of Bible teaching each Sunday (or Saturday). These cotton-candy sermonettes have no real value: Is it any wonder that “Christians” are weak and credulous? Let’s not even mention the fact that they copy the world in all their ways and means of “worship”: Is it any wonder that their music (all ROCK-RAP-RAVE-TRASH-etc.!) EXACERBATES things of the Spirit (if God's Spirit is ever present!)? All these things I write about present daunting challenges to the nation called “America.” Can America stop her SEXING, LYING, CHEATING, WHOREMONGERING, WARMONGERING, THIEVING, DRUGGING, DRINKING, ETC.? Can America come clean—to hate evil and love good? If it is even possible (which I don’t think it is as a nation), this will require SIGNIFICANT EFFORT with much, much application of Biblical Truth (applying it in our national/religious life).
Alas! Alas! DO WE HAVE to wait until we hear the cry of despairing grief before we repent and return unto the Lord? Do we have to wait until dead bodies litter our streets, our fields…..death on every hand.....before we repent? Do we have to live in melancholy, in wailings, in despair, before we repent? Yet with a PRIDEFUL PERVERSITY, Americans too often resent those who raise their voices in continual warnings of the evils/perils/destructions at hand. Will America push the Almighty to the point of exasperation, resulting in horrible retribution? Will we continue to shove our luxuries, entertainments and extravagance in His face?
So— WILL YOU, AMERICA, ANNUL GOD'S JUDGMENTS? Will you continue to say, as ancient Israel did, “…The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us” (Amos 9:10)? The prophets predicted that both Samaria and Jerusalem would fall IF they did not amend their evil ways; they did not, AND THEY FELL! Samaria, the capital of the 10 northern tribes, fell in 722 BC. Jerusalem, the capital of the two southern tribes, fell in 586 BC. Both were WARNED, both did not heed the warnings; many prophets of God cried unto Israel (all 12 tribes) with heartbreaking urgency. They had unequivocally proclaimed the coming of a dreadful disillusionment for Israel. The cry has gone forth, years already, for America to repent. THE GOLDEN AGE OF AMERICANISM HAS ENDED—WITH OVER 50 MILLION UNBORN MURDERED (LEGALLY!); SAME-SEX MARRIAGE PROMOTED; TRANSGENDERISM ON THE RISE; STUPID CIA-PROVOKED WARS BEING FOUGHT (3 AS I WRITE, DRAINING BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS FROM THE TAXPAYERS); AND SIN OF EVERY KIND, SHAPE AND COLOR BEING ENDORSED AND PROMOTED BY BOTH CHURCH AND STATE. SHOULD WE NOW PUT GOD ON THE JUDGMENT SEAT FOR INTERROGATION???
Will We Hear Amos 9:8? “Behold, the eyes of the LORD God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth….” Will America cease to be a nation as did Israel from being a kingdom? The terror of God's pronouncements can’t be missed; He was pushed to WRATH-FURY-INDIGNATION! I’m sure Japan didn't expect God's WRATH upon her—but it came (God told us 16 YEARS AGO to the very month that He was going to strike Japan: read the prophecy in our Thus Saith the Lord booklets, issues 45 & 46). Amos 9:5-6 speaks of floods and drowning. God has and will continue to use both natural forces and human forces as weapons against individuals and nations.
No Hiding Place LET ME END here (for now): There is NO hiding place in Heaven, on earth or in Hell, wherein you may be safe, when the Sovereign God decrees JUDGMENT—NO PLACE TO HIDE!! To HELL with “civil defense”—there won’t be any when God strikes. He has told us that He will bring one calamity after another upon this nation; waves of fear will go throughout this land. AMERICA WON’T FEAR GOD, SO NOW SHE WILL FEAR FEAR. Amen. ——————— [Study material has been adapted from its original sources.] |